Monday, September 17, 2007

in my life

i have accepted...

the fact that i exude a strong demeanor and therefore, i intimidate both men and women alike

that i am me and can only strive to pursue and obtain my own happiness

that i am emtionally corrupted and distant

i second guess myself because i am afraid of being great

i feel inadequate when my footing isnt comfortable

i will do what isnt always morally right, but what seems to be the best decision at hand

the fact that i doubt god and then i take him back; im losing my religion

i have tried many masks and have grown to know that the one i was born with fits me best

i am sarcastic beyond belief and thats ok by me

the fact that i know that i am not "model material", "drop dead gorgeous," but i cherish the fact that im intellectually beautiful

ive grown to understand that there is a system to everything and its up to me to manipulate it

it is my responsibilty to educate myself about who i am, where i come from and where im going and to choose the status which ill end

the fact that no idea is original, because to be original, you have to base your originality on whats already the norm

and those who defined themselves by the amount in thier wallet are lost souls; zombies

pop culture wont define me and i wont fall victim to its diluted mentality in which it sells to the population of androids

the fact that america was designed with our demise in mind

that i will never sacrifice the being that i am

sex will be my vice until further notice...

i will always lead and live a plethora of parellel lives

the fact that i have no choice but to leave my fingerprints on this world and have input on the blueprint to the next

i am here to die eventually

i will always be alone because no one will truly ever comprehend the perspective, the insight, the vision that i see

and finally, i have accepted that i will possibly outgrow all of these views because i am forever changing, forever growing and forever a fuck up in my own right

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa... Very my favorite -->r!ssa