Wednesday, October 17, 2007

starvation at sea


your emaciated frame
calls me to offer you
subsistence for i
cant hold ground
beside you and not
give you what your
soul so desperately needs.

i can hear your
stomach roar with
hunger as though it
seems as if its slowly
eating away at
its emptiness.

because it cant digest
what you have mistaken
for nourishment:
your childish antics,
your leftover,
borrowed self-love,
your misdirected self-hate
and ultimately,
your negligence of

but here i stand next
to you as you drift out
to sea
and i wonder why
youre in such strong
refusal of what im

then i remember
when it was i,
starving a starvation
of self-discovery
during a time i thought
thered be no finding me.

you have
the food within
yourself to survive,
just acquire an appetite
for enlightenment
and then youll be free.

as i remain to
hold my ground
by your side,
ceasing my attempts to
force feed,
your emaciated frame
continues to deteriorate
under the sharp winds
at sea...