Wednesday, January 23, 2008

the drive to the flight


a well of experiences,
mistakes, lessons learned;
a well i yearn to suck dry
and to literally suck dry.

sexually compatible: an understatement
mentally stimulated: an insatiable necessity

you blanket me in an
uncertain faux security
that i allow my false
faith to materialize
which in turn numbs all

watching pulp fiction
through our laughters
love diction.

the travel there
consisted of heavy
words spoken beyond
our limit yet the silence
that was given led to
spaces of feelings felt
unexpressed and broken
speech left unfinished.

1 comment:

LiSAMACkin said...

this is what im waiting for.
everything you described im
waiting to feel with the right person
or perhaps i have felt it
but not all in one person.
Either way this is amazing,
it kinda sounds like a romance novel