Thursday, October 4, 2007

untitled: for reasons i dare not speak


" i know i'm imperfect and not without sin, but now that i'm older, all childish things end
and tell him..."

-lauryn hill

in the past, i couldnt speak his name.
for it was something i held sacred,
close to my heart,
embedded in my mysterious self.

when words are voiced,
there comes manifestation.
and you were an idea i loved
to occupy my mind with,
i lacked the mind capacity,
the compassion,
the experience to
know what i know now:
of what will forever be
of us.

some may think it strange,
but were strange fruit;
were of the same tree,
the same branch
and essentially,
of the same stem,
taste and fruitfulness.

we can go days without speaking.
weeks without emailing.
and soon come seen,
years without speaking.

and this is only
permitted amongst us.
'cause we know how
one belongs to the
other in the shift of times
and the lines of the sublime,
through the
fray of our own lives.

im just geeked to be seeing
you again.

and yeah,
im still that "little girl" to
but you respect me as an adult,
as you always have
and you love me as a person.

a gap of 14 counts of 365 days and some odd 366
hasnt kept us apart now.

and it never will.
'cause according to me,
its arbitrary...

and so is
our "title,"

'cause we have yet to
have one;
this shit is
okay by me.

so once again...
"tell him i love him"

-lauryn hill

1 comment:

LiSAMACkin said...

awe lil poetic ass dickensowrth..i like this one bruh